Book Publishing & Soul Development

I’d weaned myself off of coffee for a little bit. I cannot have coffee because I’m already a hyper person and so when I have coffee, I just get extreme.

Then, one morning, right before I was due to give a teaching, I thought I needed some. I drank that coffee and oh, my gosh. It was like I was on 10 all morning.

Turning To The Lord

I kept posting and tweeting and I didn’t hardly have time to get into my lesson like I wanted to. I knew I needed help to stay calm. I realized I’d made a mistake in trusting in coffee instead of asking the Holy Spirit for help being alert and awake. I wasn’t going to make that mistake twice.

I prayed a prayer before I started the broadcast. I said, “Holy Spirit, you’ve got to help me to stay calm!” I asked for His help articulating and communicating all the thoughts I put on paper so that I could bring them all together. I wanted to be sure it would be a blessing to all those who received it.

Later, I realized that this was a perfect teachable moment. It doesn’t matter the size of your trouble, bring it to the Lord. Let Him help you with it. Don’t rely on the things of man.

God Wants To Use Your Mistakes

I got through that teaching session, and the Holy Spirit delivered. There was a lot of teaching accomplished in that single hour, and a great many people gave testimony to the blessings it brought as they listened.

The Holy Spirit was able to work that mistake into a blessing for everyone who heard that teaching, and now He’s using it to bless you, too. God wastes nothing. He is the ultimate recycler. If you give Him all things, including your mistakes and your concerns, He will work all those things for your good and the good of those around you.

What can you turn over to God today?

What Does This Have To Do With Writing and Publishing Books?


Whatever problems you face in your writing, in your publishing, or in the launch of your book, turn them over to God. Pray in ALL things – and that includes writing or publishing or launching or building up a business. Whatever it is you are doing, trust God to see you through it.

Whatever Your Problems, There Is a Blessing Waiting For You!

As I reminded you in last week’s blog post, How to Win in Life and Kick Failure in the ‘But’, in the middle of every bad situation there is always some good to be realized. Today’s post is an example of that in action for a relatively small problem.

I know some of you are facing much bigger problems, and I don’t want to leave those unaddressed. Starting next week, I’m going to be talking about how to face those giants that are standing in between you and your promised land so you can claim the victory that God has in mind for you.

Until Next Week…

Blessings in abundance,

~Pastor Kish

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