Book Publishing & Soul Development

by: Kisia

| April 27, 2017

| Blog Posts


Don’t ask me why in the world, especially after being on a hiatus for a few weeks, I’d come back to you with such a provocative subject for my weekly empowerment but here you have it.

How to Win in Life and Kick Failure in the “But”

Now, that should increase that open rate! And yes, I know the difference between the “buts” and the “butts”! “Lol”

But seriously, do you want to know how to win in life? Do you want to know how to get the victory out of every situation? It’s simple, and yet profound.

You must be able to see, and understand, the lesson that is hidden in everything.

I’m sure you’ve heard me say it before, but I’ll say it again, “Failure is feedback!” Unfortunately, most people miss this because they get blindsided by the pain of failure and stuck in the offense.

Winners Always Come Out On Top

Winners, on the other hand, are those who always come out on top despite the situation. Whether the outcome is favorable or unfavorable, they know how to win!

It’s like what I’ve been “treaching” (that’s teaching and preaching, if you didn’t know) a lot about lately…

Dis and Dys

The prefix “dis” means “apart,” “asunder,” “away,” or having a privative, negative, or reversing force. In essence, it is when something is out of place.

So, for example, disgrace means that grace is out of place. It is there. It exists for you, but it is out of place.

The same is true for discouragement. You have courage. It is available to you, but it is out of place. This is true for the other “dises” as well: disappointment, dishonesty, disagreement, displacement, disobedience, etc.

The same is true with the prefix “dys” which means abnormal. “Normal” is available but it is out of place. So now you are dealing with the abnormal.

Look for the Lessons

The lesson in all of this is that situations are often oxymoronic. In the middle of that “bad” situation, there always is some good waiting to be realized. Are you willing to stick around to find out what it is? Do you have the renewed mind that can see it?

You see, the winning person looks at their situation and says:

“BUT” there is gain somewhere in this pain;

“BUT” there is a message in this mess;

“BUT” there is a testimony after this test;

“BUT” there is victory despite being victimized.

I want to remind you of one of my favorite scriptures in the entire bible (BTW, you can borrow it):

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

With this in mind, you really can always win in life and kick failure in the “BUT” once and for all!

Blessings in abundance,

~Pastor Kish

P.S. If you want to see some of our newest WINNERS check out this link

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