Book Publishing & Soul Development

I was thinking recently about something that really frustrated me as it relates to the many self-published authors producing books these days. There are so many things that make me absolutely cringe when I see some of these books. Here are some examples just to name a few:

– Ugly Book Covers!
– Poor formatting.
– Horrible grammar. (This is sooooooooooooo bad!)
– A strange book title with even “stranger” copy on the back.
– Books That Just Don’t Make Sense! (Have you ever read a book and thought “What was that about again? Did I miss the point? I am confused!)

Shall I go on? Oh, but wait a minute. I must add this one…

A disappointed self-published author who is now stuck!

That’s right – – STUCK! Now this one really frustrates me!
Stuck because their book is too ugly or horrible for people to buy!
Stuck because they do not know how to market or distribute their book!
Stuck because their book was a cost to them and not an investment!

Now you may be wondering, “What do you mean by all of this?”

I am glad you asked. Generally, when someone refers to something being a cost as opposed to an investment, what they really mean is once they pay for that item that’s all they get.

An investment, however, tends to have a more positive expectation. When you are making an investment, the expectation is that there will be a material result that yields a profit.

In other words, you don’t just get what you paid for but waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more.

An investment because when done right your book can yield positive results:

> Placing you in a position as “the authority” in your field
> Enhancing your brand while expanding your reach
> Platforming you as an influencer
> Increasing your finances
> Leading you through doors you never imagined
> Creating endless opportunities that last a lifetime

The list goes on and on.

The bottom line is, if you continue to travel this Publishing Path down Author Avenue, your mindset must be that your book project is an investment.

When you have this kind of mindset your expectation regarding price will be that it is well worth the investment.

Your expectation will align with the truth that if you want to publish, market, and distribute a GOOD BOOK that goes far, it is going to cost you something.

The good news is that this is the type of cost that will yield an awesome book and an even more awesome life that follows.

I hope this has served your publishing needs.

Happy Publishing!
~ Kisia

4 Responses

  1. Hey Pastor Kisia! I am speaking that you will be publishing a book for me this year. I am totally in the beginning phase. I feel strongly it’s time to get moving. I don’t know what will be a good phase to start consulting with you about the book. I reviewed your questionnaire and don’t have enough info to get start. So at this I believe I am just going to start writing and collecting info.

    1. Alright now! We can definitely help you make it happen! Let me know if you need me to forward you some resources as it pertains to writing.

      Meanwhile, make sure you are on my Publishing List. You can get on it by checking out this free webinar or just signing up at:


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