This is the time of year when people are filled with holiday cheer…
But not everyone.
Many are filled with woe, and they can’t get beyond feeling blue;
Some are sad…or even mad…because they don’t have the funds to do.
Others are filled with sorrow as they mourn the loss of those they knew.
Then there are those who shout, “Bah, humbug!”
Because their hearts are filled with hurt.
It’s their declaration that of this holiday stuff, they will not take part.
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No matter where you fit on the spectrum, I write to you today,
To share the real meaning for why we celebrate Christmas Day.
It is my earnest prayer that as you read this tale that I tell,
That hope will come alive in you, and you will share it as well.
Christmas is more than electronic gadgets and toys wrapped under a lighted tree;
It’s about the supernatural birth of a man born to die for you and me.
His mother was expecting without having slept with a man,
Her future husband planned to put her away until God stayed his hand.
They travelled miles to Bethlehem by orders of the king.
When they arrived, to their surprise, there was no room to sleep at the inn.
A baby born on a silent night in a barn filled with animals and hay,
The holy child wrapped in swaddling clothes, laid in a manger for all to see,
Would one day save humanity cursed because of Adam and Eve.
The angels in heaven rejoiced as they witnessed his entrance into our world;
They gave glory to God in the highest, and declared peace and goodwill to every man
With all the pageantry extended from heaven that there could ever be,
The angels announced Christ the Lord, our Savior and our King.
Shepherds who heard the angels praise and came to see for themselves,
The little newborn babe that would die for the sins of the world.
Wise men travelled guided by a star bearing precious gifts fit only for a King.
How did they know, who told them?
The prophet Micah foretold his birth before the day ever came to be;
A child would come out of Bethlehem and be ruler for everlasting (Micah 5:2)
The prophet Isaiah also spoke of the day that would surely come;
For a child would be born to us and we would be given a son (Isaiah 9:6)
Who is this child that would be born to us, and why was a son also given?
Scripture says these words that applies to us all,
There was a sin debt owed at the time that we were born;
That separated us from a living God and made us live life on our own.
It’s all because of Adam that we found ourselves in this place,
But God in His mercy extended to us His amazing grace.
God so loved our world that He gave us His most precious gift,
He sent his Son into our world being born of flesh.
The same baby boy born in a barn, in a manger filled with hay,
Is also the only begotten Son given by God…
Who is the Truth, the Life, and the Way.
On the appointed day at the appointed time, He was judged and hung on a tree,
He paid the debt we owed, we have been justified, made righteous, totally free.
We can live our lives victoriously being led by God the Father, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus, our King.
So if you find yourself in this season feeling kinda’ blue,
Remember the story I just told you about Christmas and what it means.
Jesus Christ being born into our world—so that He could die for me and you!
Denise Carlie
Denise Carlie is a Native Chicagoan and a graduate of Living Word Christian Center School of Ministry and Robert Morris College with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. She has been married for thirty-eight years and has two children and four grandchildren. Denise is a Seer, Intercessor, and Teacher with a ministerial license through the Faith Ministries Alliance. It is her desire to be remembered as “A woman after God’s own Heart.”
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Thank you Denise for this beautiful reminder of what Christmas is… A reminder of the miracles that come through obedience to God. Due to Joseph and Mary’s obedience and submission to God, the world is saved!
Jesus is the reason for the season! Merry Christmas!
Thank you, Denise! This is heartwarming. I love how it gently reminds us of the true meaning of Christmas yet the poetry makes me reminisce my wonderful childhood Christmas memories. Merry Christmas!
Denise, thank you for such a beautiful word for the season, and for reminding us that without the manger, there would be no cross!
Wishing you a most blessed Christmas!
Denise thank you for your beautiful words reminding us of the true meaning of Christmas.
Merry Christmas Ana Blessed New Year God Bless you
Thank you all so very much for your words of encouragement. I decree that for each of you 2020 will be the year where you will see clearly God’s plan for your lives and His pathways leading to fulfillment.