Plug Yourself In!

I have been to several events and heard the question, “Who knows what their purpose is?” Almost without fail, heads go down in shame and there are not many hands raised in confidence…truly knowing what their purpose is. How is it possible for so many people to reach adulthood and still
Encountering Biblical Truth for Your Life

The good news of the gospel is more than the text on a page or font on a screen. It is the manifestation of the living, breathing truth encounters and experiences through your day-to-day life. I’ve listened to so many impactful, jaw-dropping, and encouraging testimonies about His goodness
True Purpose

Purpose is “the objective toward which one strives or aims”…Eternity with Him. An assignment is “the transfer of a claim, right, interest, or property from one to another”…from Jesus to us. Do you know what your true godly purpose or assignment is?