Lord, Make Us One

What does it mean to “Make us one?” One example starts with the believer being one with the Father. Deuteronomy 7:9 (NASB) declares our covenant: “Know therefore that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps His covenant and His loving kindness to a thousandth generation with those who love His commandments.” Once we make the decree to follow the Lord, we become His creation to rule upon the earth with His power.
Everything Depends on What You Believe

Your entire life is centered on what you believe—and your beliefs determine your actions. I have discovered that many people have what is called “writer’s block” because they are confused in what they believe. They have not settled in their hearts or gotten a clear picture on what they say they want and the ideas or beliefs they are trying to communicate…because they have not processed those ideas or beliefs enough to own them.
Entering into God’s Rest

If you’re not careful you’ll lose it…If you’re not careful, you’ll go over the deep end…If you’re not careful, you’ll expend all your energy and find that all your efforts have been in vain. This is what happens when you reach the point of burnout and you don’t know it.