True Purpose

Purpose is “the objective toward which one strives or aims”…Eternity with Him. An assignment is “the transfer of a claim, right, interest, or property from one to another”…from Jesus to us. Do you know what your true godly purpose or assignment is?
Stop Wishing and Start Doing!

Imagine a life filled with real results and accomplishments. Your goals are manifesting and your business is running and thriving. A life that mirrors your innermost desires…because you fully understand your passions and purposes. Is that a life you desire? Well you can have this type of life…
Called Out for Purpose

There is something in each of us that desires to know what we have been placed on this earth to do. Purpose is so important that a great man of God once said that when the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable. We can look at Jesus life and see that he had purpose and it…