Mind Monitoring! What’s Going on in Your MIND?

Did you know you were unstoppable? The only thing that is in the way of you and your NEXT breakthrough, accomplishment, promotion, and blessing is your MIND! You have the ability to do great things but it will ONLY be possible when you are able to monitor and take control of the thoughts in your […]
Possessing the Promise Through Your Thoughts

In order to effectively DO you must BE. Your being-ness starts with your thought life. Your thoughts are so powerful they will cause you to either possess your promise or forfeit it. This week’s audio blog will enlighten you more on this subject. CLICK on the media player below and be Blessed, Inspired and most of […]
Spiritual Insight

Have you ever been in a place so obscure and uncertain that you had no clue what to do? Oftentimes, we find ourselves in dark places in life and we need GOD’s light to get us out. This teaching on “SPIRITUAL INSIGHT” is so power-packed with revelation that you are sure to get the answers […]