You Were Built to Code

There was a season in my life when I felt like my tears were my very best friend and closest companion. The overflow of my emotions, whether in joy or pain, happiness or sorrow, could be expected to make an appearance at almost any time, without the need for an invitation. When you are in…
Satisfaction Guaranteed

What does it mean to be satisfied? Merriam-Webster defines satisfied as: “Pleased or content with what has been experienced or received.” “Paid in full.” “Persuaded by argument or evidence.” While reading these definitions, I begin pondering and questioning my own satisfaction in life. It was at this moment that…
Kingdom Living Is Satisfied Living

Are you satisfied with your life? A life where your needs and desires are fulfilled. A life where pleasure and contentment become the norm. A life you live in constant assurance beyond doubt or question? A life with accessibility to the resurrection power of God dwelling within you? If not, I…