Making Money from Your Book

I am sure you have heard the saying, “Perception is everything!” How you perceive something to be is your reality, which creates your belief system, which in turn determines your actions.
Essential Writing & Publishing Questions (Only if you want to be great!)

I just wanted to stop by this week and say, “I get it!” I have learned my lesson. “What’s that?” you ask. Well, I have learned that people write for 2 reasons: For themselves For others Did you know that? If not, here is the reason it is important to understand this if you are […]
Avoiding Authorship Failure

I have some thoughts circulating in my head, but I can’t quite put them ALL down on paper yet…I don’t want to offend anyone. (At least not in this blog post.) 😊 Perhaps in a few weeks, I will have the wisdom to properly communicate them. For now, I’ll just make the following statement and […]