Avoiding Authorship Failure

I have some thoughts circulating in my head, but I can’t quite put them ALL down on paper yet…I don’t want to offend anyone. (At least not in this blog post.) 😊 Perhaps in a few weeks, I will have the wisdom to properly communicate them. For now, I’ll just make the following statement and […]
Write and Release

The Role Confession Plays in Telling Your Story Recently, I attended a funeral and saw a loved one who was very near and dear to me when I was growing up. During my childhood, this woman made such an impact in my life that I imagined myself growing up to be a lot like her. […]
Author Spotlight

If you are going to self-publish a book, why not give it your best? I am so elated to have the opportunity to work with such a beautiful spirit-filled woman as Renee Gardner. She is a business professional with a strong prophetic edge, who has penned an excellent devotional. This book is the perfect tool for […]