On August 6, 2020, I had the SURPRISE of my life! I received this $17,000 check and special honor from Ingrid Vanderveldt and her amazing EBW (Empowering a Billion Women) organization.
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My big sister friend and business colleague, Shirley Hogsett reached out to me about a week before this and said she wanted to come by and drop something off. I didn’t ask any questions because frankly, I wanted to see someone outside of the 4 walls of my house. Long story short, Shirley showed up with Ingrid hiding in my neighbor’s driveaway and a professional photographer jumping out of my bushes.
Ingrid had to fly all the way from Austin, Texas into Bloomington and then drove a couple of hours to come to my house in the Chicago area to do this. They were recording this LIVE into our EBW group where hundreds of women from all around the world are members. This surprise blessing and the fact that people would go out of their way to do something so amazing for me had me in tears for a couple of hours!
This check is a result of some work I did a few months ago in making some connections to get critical needs PPE to healthcare workers in our region. Fast forward to August 6th, I had no clue that something like this could happen.
***I just want you to know, you should never discount your efforts, small or great. It can be that one little act of kindness that causes a mountain of blessings to pour down on you. ***
I’m also grateful for my husband, Deland John Coleman who has been declaring, preaching, and praying for WOW miracles over the lives of everyone connected to him. We had just received a Wow miracle prior to this blessing with an almost $8K debt cancellation.
For sure, August 6, 2020, will go down in Coleman history as a day I will never forget! To God Be The Glory!!!
I just want you to know that this and more can happen for you. Please don’t lose hope during this season but stay in faith for your Wow Miracle!
Love and Blessings,
Coach Kish
Licensed & Ordained Minister/Book Publishing Servicer/
Certified Life & Leadership Coach/
Bonafide Doer
P.S. It was a surprise so that’s the reason I was looking the way I was looking. LOL
INGRID & KISIA’S RESPONSE: https://youtu.be/gFflNptKNWM
Dr. Kisia Coleman serves as the Lead Pastor of Kingdom Church Int’l., a non-denominational church in which she and her husband founded. Her job has encompassed many roles in leadership and the organization’s development. She is a Certified Life and Leadership Coach and the Founder of KishKnows, Inc., which has several divisions including consulting, coaching, and book publishing services. Dr. Kisia is also the author of several books and stage productions. In both October 2012 and October 2013, she was the proud recipient of the Literary Award given by A.I.M. (Association of Independent Ministries) out of Houston, Texas.
Dr. Kisia and her husband live in a suburb of Chicago and are the blessed parents of five children: two boys and three girls, which include two orphaned nieces and a nephew that they have raised since the untimely deaths of the children’s parents.
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You’re phenomenal Mama!!! Such awesome news! Congratulations!!!
Thank you Kenny B!
This is so amazing to see God move in such a way that would make her shout…WOW!!! You deserve this babe!!
Thanks Dee!
I’m beyond excited for you and our next corporate culture adventure steps. Keep posting about the true goodness of our Christ. He is King.
Thank you so much, Lady Nic!!!
All I can say is ” Want HE do it.” Praise God
Yes, HE will!!!
Let me first congratulate you on being picked, for the EBW award and check.In my book you are a person, that truly deserves it and more.For your dedication and endless hardwork in your community.In the short time,I have known you and been apart of your Publishing Company. You are truly blessed and a blessing to us all.