What does it mean to be satisfied? Merriam-Webster defines satisfied as:
- “Pleased or content with what has been experienced or received.”
- “Paid in full.”
- “Persuaded by argument or evidence.”
While reading these definitions, I begin pondering and questioning my own satisfaction in life. It was at this moment that I had an awakening. I realized that the things and people I thought would satisfy me in my life never did. Even when I got what I wanted, I was still not satisfied. I wanted more. I was content when I got the initial thing or person I wanted, but I needed something more to satisfy me. I did not realize my satisfaction would not come from people or things.
I ask you today…what or whom are you basing your satisfaction in life on?
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There is an old saying that most of us are probably familiar with…“Trying to live like the Joneses.” This saying applies when we buy things that we cannot afford, such as an expensive car or a bigger house, in an effort to impress those around us. Many of us base our satisfaction in life on material things. We measure ourselves by what others have, and this causes us to become unsatisfied with what we have and where we are in life.
In writing this, I have come to understand that living a satisfied life can only happen when we are satisfied with God and everything He has blessed us with. Psalm 65:4 (KJV) says, “Blessed is the man whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy courts: we shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house, even of thy holy temple.”
In order to live a satisfied life, there are four main takeaways from this Scripture that we need to focus on:
- God chooses us. He does not choose us so we can brag to others about how anointed we are or about how many things He has blessed us with. He chooses us to fulfill His purpose on earth. We must understand that not everyone is chosen by God. Jesus spoke a parable in Matthew 22:14 and at the end of it, He states “For many are called, but few are chosen.” In other words, God will call us but there is certain criteria He looks for after He calls us to see if we are worthy enough to be chosen. God called Mary, the mother of Jesus, at a young age but He had to carefully observe her life to see if she would be worthy enough to be chosen to conceive and give birth to His only begotten Son, Jesus. Being called does not guarantee that you will be chosen.
- God not only chooses us, but He causes us to come before His presence. Those He chooses go before Him to know His will and purpose for their lives. They need to know what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. They do not ask Him why they are to do it. They simply trust His word and obey it. Scripture states, “…in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Psalm 16:11). It is only in God’s presence that the chosen, and not only the chosen but all of us, will find peace, hope, joy, strength, grace, mercy, love, and everything else that is needed to live a satisfied life.
- It is not because we are so good that we are blessed. It is no goodness of our own. Isaiah 64:6 says that “…all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags.” It is God who blesses us, because He chooses us and causes us to come before Him. When God’s chosen people stand in His presence and walk in His counsel, they are blessed (Psalm 1:1). People always connect material things to being blessed. Anyone can purchase material things…but this does not mean that they are blessed. The blessings that I am talking about do not add sorrow. They make you rich because they come from Almighty God (Proverbs 10:22). There are so many people who walk around confessing they are blessed but are the most unhappy and the most unsatisfied people you know. Even millionaires and billionaires have committed suicide because they were unhappy. God’s blessings make us rich in spirit; and because our spirits are rich, we possess joy and not sorrow.
- We must dwell in the courts of the Lord to have continuous satisfaction. Many may be asking, how do we dwell in God’s courts when we are here on earth? We dwell in His courts by worshipping Him, praising Him, praying to Him, and listening to what He has to say, by singing hymns and songs to Him, and by having communion with Him. God shows up and speaks to His chosen as they dwell in the courts of the Lord. The Old Testament gives many accounts where God showed up and talked to His chosen in the courts. 2 Kings 20:4-5 says, “And it came to pass, afore Isaiah was gone out into the middle court, that the word of the Lord came to him, saying, Turn again, and tell Hezekiah the captain of my people, Thus saith the LORD, the God of David thy father, I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears: behold, I will heal thee: on the third day thou shalt go up unto the house of the LORD.” God not only gives a word for you, but He gives a word for others when His chosen are dwelling in the courts.
When we dwell in God’s secret place, He will satisfy us with long life (Psalm 91:16). God chooses us. He causes us to come before His presence. He blesses us. We dwell in His courts forever, and we shall have satisfaction guaranteed. He will give us the goodness that is in heaven’s storehouses and the goodness that is in His temple (His Spirit). This is how we live a satisfied life. Be blessed.
Brenda Wells
Brenda Wells is a Credit Bureau Administrator with a wealth of experience in reporting to the three major credit bureaus. Brenda specializes in Credit Bureau Research and regularly attends meetings and trainings to better assist her team of workers. She strongly believes in the power of positive thinking in the workplace. Brenda is a published author of “30 Days of Prophetic Devotion With God.” She has a CAD in Early Childhood Education and an AA in Early Childhood Education. Brenda is a licensed minister and an ordained elder. She enjoys binge-watching on Hulu and spending time with her two granddaughters.
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Thank you, Brenda. I needed this today. It reminds me also of what Paul said, “Whatever state I am, I can be content.” I’ve learned this in life and it is helping my family and me through this time of crisis.
Thank you Pastor Kisia. As I read it again, it also blessed me to know that no matter what is going on, I am satisfied because I dwell in God’s courts. I appreciate you for this amazing opportunity. I pray you and your family the blessings of God that makes you rich and add no sorrow during this time and forever more.
Thank you.
“ Those He chooses go before Him to know His will and purpose for their lives. They need to know what to do, when to do it, and how to do it.”
I read this and instantly thought, I’m on the right path. Sometimes, there are small tokens of wisdom that impact us in a major way and this was definitely one for me. I guess because it confirmed what I’m already doing and I’ll take confirmation over anything else, any day! Thank you so much!
You are so welcome!
Thank you Brenda for a great word!
Thank you.
Wonderful encouragement to keep a proper perspective on Who or What we look to for satisfaction.
Thank you, Brenda! This is such an eye-opener. I love how your post made me aware on the true meaning of satisfaction and pure contentment.
Thank you Brenda for this encouraging perspective!