It has been fifteen years since I was diagnosed with cancer. It has been fifteen years since I questioned why a God that I loved so much would allow a twenty-two-year-old with a promising future to get a sickness that most people felt it meant that all hope was lost. But it was also fifteen years ago when I realized that all the small victories that God had brought me through in my life were building my faith, so that I could believe on a level like never before…
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After the diagnosis, I remember crying for about thirty minutes before Donnie McClurkin’s song, I’ll Trust You Lord dropped into my spirit, and I sang it from sun up to sun down. I remember going back to the cancer center for a follow-up appointment and seeing other women getting their treatments; some smiling and talking, some barely able to lift their heads. But I also remember that after that diagnosis fifteen years ago, people were united in prayer bands across this country, praying for little old me!
I worked in a predominantly white area, but my coworkers and some of the children’s parents prayed. They didn’t see color—they saw a need. My church prayed. My uncle in Colorado heard about it, and his church prayed. We had a guest preacher in from Philadelphia, and when we told him, his church prayed around the clock. I still remember that in the midst of all that praying, the doctors didn’t give my mom much hope. They told her that I had a 50/50 chance. I knew I would have to have a total hysterectomy, all of my lymph nodes removed, and any other tissues the cancer had spread to. But, I also remember coming out of surgery and the doctors saying, “No cancer!” I had a tumor in my abdomen the size of “a medium-sized watermelon” according to the doctor, so by all accounts going in, the cancer still appeared to be there! But when they pulled the tumor out and cut it open, all signs of cancer were gone!
When God’s people pray, miracles happen! Signs and wonders manifest! When we pray, God can work in mysterious ways. When we pray, the people who have spent many years and thousands of dollars to get a degree to become a specialist will have to scratch their heads and marvel at the goodness of our God. When God’s people pray…Hope is restored. Faith is renewed. Mindsets are transformed. People are healed, delivered, and set free. When we pray, a shifting takes place; the creation lines up with its Creator; and with Him, nothing is impossible unto us! When God’s people pray, we are given the strength to continue on through the test until we get to the testimony. When we pray, we can hold on to the joy of our salvation. When we pray, shame is lifted, guilt goes away, and sins are forgiven.
I reflect and remember that if they had done what they said they were going to do during my surgery, my beautiful baby girl wouldn’t be here today! But when God’s people pray and believe God against all odds, against every doctor’s report, and in the face of all adversity, miracles manifest—they become reality. God shows Himself strong and mighty! Because God’s people prayed, I’m still healed today! Prayer is a conversation with our Father. Don’t think your prayer doesn’t matter. It may be somebody lying in the hospital with a 50/50 chance, but your prayer of faith is what moves God. Every prayer matters. You matter because the prayers of the righteous avail much!
Ladebra Milton
Ladebra Milton is a graduate of Kennesaw State University with a degree in English. Although she struggled in reading comprehension most of her life, through the grace of God, Ladebra made her weakness one of her greatest strengths. She loves both reading and writing! Ladebra has been married for eight years to her wonderful husband, Carlos Milton, and they have a beautiful three-year-old daughter.
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The bible says that we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony! What a powerful testament to prayer and faith! Thanks, Ladebra!
Thank you so much! I give all glory to God because it was definitely Him that gave me the victory!
Powerful testimony! It encouraged me. Thank you so much. God bless you
Thank you! I bless God that my testimony blessed you. May God bless you abundantly!
Thank you for that message prayer does change everything.
Amen! It sure does! God is faithful. Thank you for reading. Be blessed!
God is so Awesome! Who wouldn’t serve a God like that.
Blessings Woman of God….your strength helps me ❤️
Love you Debra
Awww, I love you more! We strengthen each other just as we should! I hope to be reading some of your story one day!
Thank you Father God for healing. It is a wonderful blessing to see your miracles in action. I thank you for All survivors and those that are going through cancer. Thank you for their strength through the midst of and despite what the doctors say. We know that you are a healer and all good things come from you.
Hi, Tracie! I am so happy that this message was able to remind you of God’s miracle working power. He is still healing and showing Himself as all powerful!
Power of prayer still amazes me! His Word shall not return to Him void but do as He intended. Who couldn’t love our Father-only those who don’t take the time to see the many signs, many wonders, and miracles occurring around us daily. Thank you, Ladebra-Milton, for making me cry and rejoice in our Father’s love and faithfulness
Amen! I thank God for your tears of joy! Our Father is so faithful; I truly thank Him for His grace and mercy! Just reading your words electrified my soul so I praise God for you!
Hello Ladebra,
Thank you for sharing part of your testimony with us. Yes, when God’s people pray, miracles can happen.
You are so welcome. I thank God for trusting me with this testimony. Continue to walk in the blessings and revelation of the Lord!
Thank you for sharing your testimony! What a gift your words are to those who are struggling right now. I am reminded of the lyrics to a song that we sang in the 90s…
“In heavenly armor we’ll enter the land,
The battle belongs to the Lord…”
When we pray, we put on our heavenly armor…and the victory is His!
Amen! Thank you for sharing those lyrics!
I agree with you right now in the name of Jesus that your faith is renewed, restored and rejuvenated by the blood of Jesus and that every thought that comes against the knowledge of God is cast down. Psalm 34:19 says many of the afflictions of the righteous so the struggle will come but the scripture ends by saying that God will deliver us from them all! That’s a promise and we know that God can’t lie! Hallelujah to our God!
Thank you for your perseverance, Ms. Cynthia. May you continue to mount up with wings as eagles, run and not be weary, walk and not faint!
Thank you for sharing your testimony! I am reminded of the lyrics to a worship song from the 90s…
“In heavenly armor we’ll enter the land,
The battle belongs to the Lord…”
When we put on our heavenly armor, the victory is His!
Thank you for sharing your powerful testimony…Indeed with man, it is impossible but with God, ALL things are POSSIBLE! I pray that you will be a vessel of hope across many nations. Blessings!
Wow, thank you so much for that prayer of blessings! I know God thought enough of me to endure that for a reason and whatever the reason is, I’m ready!
Be blessed woman of God! May you continue to prosper in all your ways!