I have been to several events and heard the question, “Who knows what their purpose is?” Almost without fail, heads go down in shame and there are not many hands raised in confidence…truly knowing what their purpose is. How is it possible for so many people to reach adulthood and still not know what they were created for? I do not have all of the answers…but I do know that if we do not know who we are in God, we will not live that “Powerful and Purposeful” life that we seek.
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I don’t understand when people ask, “Why do we have to put God in everything?” I have heard this question asked so many times. Unfortunately, there are some in the Body of Christ who have taken on the world’s view of separation of church and state—their church life is their church life, and their work life is their work life. This is not how God designed things to work! Let us think back to the beginning, in the Book of Genesis. In the beginning, God created everything that we can see (and a multitude of wonders that we can’t see) in seven days. He then gave mankind Purpose by putting him in charge of everything and gave him Power to have dominion over the earth. The first sign of living a powerful and purposeful life came from God! Yet somewhere down the line, we became so “intelligent” and infiltrated with a social view, that we began to leave God out.
We know God is omnipotent, meaning that He Has unlimited power…so why would we try and live a life not connected to the ultimate power source? That’s like saying you have an electric car, but you never go and plug it in. The battery is going to die, and you’re going to be left on the side of the road, trying to figure out what happened. We know God is omniscient or all-knowing, so why would we try to live a life without seeking the One who already knows everything? That’s like a teacher saying they have the answers for the test you are about to take, and they are going to go over them with you—but you have to come to class. You don’t show up and you fail the test, and then get mad at the teacher! In Proverbs 19:21, we learn that “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.”
True purpose and power comes from God. We cannot separate our work life from our spiritual life and expect to win. As 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, we must do all things to the glory of God; then the purpose that the Lord has put us here for will prevail. When we are walking in Powerful and Purposeful lives, we can really adhere to the Scripture that tells us to not grow weary in well-doing because we know that we are doing something far greater than ourselves. We will also be able to push forward and hold on when everything else is telling us to stop and let go. Seek God for your Purpose, and plug in to Him to be filled with the divine Power to accomplish everything He has set you here to do!
Ladebra Milton
Ladebra Milton is a graduate of Kennesaw State University with a degree in English. Although she struggled in reading comprehension most of her life, through the grace of God, Ladebra made her weakness one of her greatest strengths. She loves both reading and writing! Ladebra has been married for eight years to her wonderful husband, Carlos Milton, and they have a beautiful three-year-old daughter.
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I love this, Ladebra. Indeed, the Lord’s purpose will always prevail so this is a great reminder to always trust God no matter what. Thanks so much, Ladebra!
Amen! Thank you!
Thank you Ladebra for this timely post! Indeed, it is important to connect to the ultimate power source in every aspect of our lives so that we may experience abundance! True purpose and power comes from God!
Thank you!
This is in alignment with one of my signature messages, Ladebra. I firmly believe that everything goes back to the beginning. Your illustrations were right on point and clarified your message. And you are absolutely right, “We can’t separate our work life from our spiritual life.” I tried to before and it does not work and I was not HAPPY! May the purposes of GOD PREVAIL!
It’s some of the most difficult things to address as a culture; cleaning out and removing the mental cobwebs. With only one life to live, thanks for reminding me to keep strengthening our resources as a corporate body. It will require making difficult decisions of disconnecting from sources that drain our purpose.