Slow down.
Lean on Me.
Listen to My voice.
Look for My wisdom in the middle of this chaos and uncertainty.
You are afraid, but I am your rock through this. You can trust Me.
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Right now, culturally, we are in a state of uncertainty. News conferences are delivering mixed messages, and our spirits are hanging in the balance. People are arguing about how much you should prepare…or not preparing at all and feeling like the world is overreacting—when in reality, none of us know how this will turn out. So we wait. In our homes. With those whom we love dearly. Some of us are waiting this whole thing out alone and experiencing a huge amount of loss. Our new normal is awkward and seems to change every two days. Many are desperate to find hope. A sign of some sort.
When our eyes can’t see the answer, how do we cope?
You are fearful, but God says, “Fear Not.” This phrase was mentioned 365 times in the Bible. God was reassuring us for the future and even right now.
We are discouraged, but God says, “I am still God.” Even in this weird time and space, God dwells with us.
These times call for us to slow down, and be present. Many of us are used to being on the go and filling our days with extremely long to-do lists. Now that we have been abruptly thrust into the stay-at-home world, being alone or relieved from our normal life is becoming too much for some. The need for reassurance grows as we may not feel as connected to others. Possibly, we are staring grief in the face after weeks of thinking we were a little further along. Maybe a shaky marriage is now on the brink of crumbling due to not properly maintaining the relationship, and now you are face-to-face with this reality. There are many different things that can be taking place in these chaotic times…but I urge you to slow down. You can only control so much. These issues may be causing you to question yourself and decisions that you have made in the past, and now you are wondering how to make decisions for an uncertain future.
In these moments, God wants access to these secret battles. Guilt and shame may be hovering over you while you are sitting alone with your thoughts. God still yearns for you, even when life is upside down and full of uncertainty. Far too many of us believe that we have to be sinless and perfect in order to approach God. That is so far from the truth.
Matthew 11:28-30
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in my heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
This means you can come just as you are: weary, confused, and frustrated. These emotions don’t mean God can’t hear you. Don’t believe the lie that showing emotion makes you weak or less of a believer.
The best thing to do is pray anyway.
Feeling overwhelmed?
Feeling alone?
Feeling panicked?
Feeling unsure?
Feeling disconnected?
Pray anyway.
Many people feel these emotions; and right now, they are heavier than normal. We are suddenly being made aware of the flaws and overlooked messes that we have left undone. Take a moment each day to sit with what you are feeling, but don’t obsess over it. Make intentional efforts to pray and meditate on God’s word, which has never changed over many years. You can find comfort in that.
God didn’t promise that this life would be easy. We shouldn’t hold ourselves to the status of perfection either. In these unsure times, remember you can control yourself and how you respond to situations. However, none of us can control what is going on in our country and world. Hold tight to what is tried and true. God will bring you through this.
Isaiah 41:10
“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”
Be Encouraged,
Tenia Hoskins
Tenia Hoskins is a Chicago-based freelance writer, a devoted wife of fifteen years, and a mother to three amazing children. She recently left her career in the dental field to pursue writing and music. Tenia Hoskins has a heart for women and mothers who face depression and anxiety. She is currently working on a series of devotionals to encourage weary souls and remind her readers of God’s joy and peace during the toughest seasons of life.
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As soon as I started reading, I immediately felt a sense of calm. And two of the signature scriptures that I have used in challenging times permeate this blog. We’ve been reminding our intercessors on the prayer line that they must take their burdens to the Lord and leave them there. And this scripture in Isaiah is one that we use quite often to encourage those who have lost loved ones. This blog is truly encouraging for those who need to find peace in chaos. Thank you.
Thank you, Tenia! This is so uplifting. Truly, we have a compassionate God and that we are always in His care. Praying and reading the Bible will fill our anxious hearts with His reassurance and peace.