Book Publishing & Soul Development

As promised, I’m going to unfold some of the wisdom that I received recently from my Business Coach, Lisa Nichols while at her home in San Diego, California. I mentioned before that Coach Lisa has a plethora of accomplishments, a multi-million dollar publicly traded company and multiple best-seller achievements including New York Times Best Seller.

Before I left for my trip, I sent out an email and asked you what was the #1 publishing question you would want Lisa to answer for you and “Boy did my email get flooded!” Many of the questions were around book marketing. So, my first teachings will cover Best Seller Marketing Strategies based on the wisdom Coach Lisa provided as well as my own experiences and knowledge.

Now, there are 2 major aspects of marketing that are available to work in our advantage as authors: OFFLINE MARKETING & ONLINE MARKETING

For now, let’s deal with the strategies for offline marketing…


One of the main mistakes I see many authors making is thinking that because their books are self-published, and they don’t have to wait for the normal long length of time expected with the traditional route, they get so anxious and decide to launch their books as soon as they are finished and printed. Big Mistake!

Know Your Message & Your Market

In my previous blog, I detailed how authors need to have more “runway” before launching their books. (You can CLICK HERE to see my blog post on the concept of runway).

As an author, you not only need to understand the concept of runway, but you must understand what marketing really entails and the best strategy to market your book. This will require you knowing exactly what your message is and who it is for. Take Coach Lisa for example, even though she was introduced to the world of authorship in her role as a co-author for the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series, she had a strategy to both maximize and monetize her new-found opportunity because she knew her message and who it was for.

1. Many authors have not taken time to understand and be intimately acquainted with EXACTLY what their message is.

2. Most new authors have not had enough practice in honing their voice through “hearing their voice” which in turn causes them to better understand their message.

You need to be talking about your message here, there and everywhere, all the time and anytime you can.

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Coach Lisa was so aware and in tune with her message that she was able to identify her market and then communicate her message in one sentence with both clarity and impact.

1. Do you even know what your core message is? Hint: It should be centered around the theme of your book.

2. Are you able to communicate what your core message is in one statement, so much so, that your target audience is immediately attracted to it?

3. Is your message clear and impactful?

Let me use myself as an example. My core message is that I help self-published authors publish, quality attractive books that reach their target market in an excellent and exciting way!

I know who my market is and how to attract them. The first-time author who is looking for the cheapest route should have a clue that I may not be for them. (Quality and attractive doesn’t come cheap.) However, those who are more interested in showing up in the world with a professional book where they will be recognized as the authority on that subject matter will immediately cleave to what I have to offer. They are willing and happy to invest in the quality they are looking for. Why? Because I know what it is I offer (my message) and who it is that will be attracted to it, my ideal client (target market).

Coach Lisa knew that her target audience who was attracted to her next book, Chicken Soup for the African American Soul would not often frequent traditional bookstores, i.e., Barnes & Nobles, Walton, etc. So, if she conducted book signings at these locations they would not be that successful. Because she knew who her target market was and where to find them she targeted churches. No matter what they did on Saturday night, Coach Lisa knew that her target market (African Americans) could be found in church on Sunday morning.

So, to church she went. And with humility did she go…

Swallow Your Pride

You’ve heard the expressions: “The way up is down,” and “Don’t despise humble beginnings.”

Coach Lisa’s strategy was to contact as many churches as possible in the area she had set up a book tour. She focused on requesting that the pastors allow her to speak for just 5 minutes because she knew they would be more open to saying yes and permitting her in their pulpits. And since she knew and understood her message so well, she could clearly and quickly communicate it to make enough impact so that the congregants could not resist stopping by her book table before leaving the church building.

In addition to that, Coach Lisa initially pitched the leaders of the churches on allowing her to speak at the smaller gatherings, like the midweek service, women’s groups and other fellowship meetings and events. She knew that proving herself first was important. Most of the time, the leaders of the churches would then book her to speak at the Sunday morning service and even allow for a little more time.

She would also book herself at all kinds of free events and non-profit organizations like women’s shelters. Although she knew she would not make sells on her books or profit financially from speaking, she was making valuable deposits and investments in the lives of others while honing her voice and getting more clear on her message.

Notice, Coach Lisa didn’t ask for 30 minutes or an hour but just 5 minutes. She knew that she had to crawl before she could walk and when you are out there in the world communicating your powerful message, there is still a level of grace and humility you must walk in. It amazes me how many authors want to “blow up” overnight but are not willing to put the work in. It is important to not skip steps in the growth process when it comes to any area of life. And if you are still trying to find your voice and figure out your message then you definitely want to do yourself a favor and give yourself time to grow.

Ask yourself:

What degree are you willing to humble yourself and start off small to get to big?

There is a market for your message, but it will take time, diligence, and effort to find them. You can’t be lazy!

Here are some actions you can take now…


Put yourself in the mindset of filling out one of those surveys to win a car in a mall drawing. Now survey who your target audience is by answering these questions:

• What is their gender?
• Age range?
• Reading interest?
• Buying interest?
• Educational background?
• Financial bracket?
• Profession?
• Family status? Single, married, divorced, with children, etc.

You can go as far as designing an Avatar that fits the description of the answers you have come up with.


If you are having trouble, take your brainstorming a little further and get help from “Mr. Google”. Search online and find other books with keywords that coincide with your book’s theme. Look at the books on Amazon. Once you find books that are comparable to yours, research their demographics to determine the make-up of the people who generally buy those types of books.

After conducting the research above, you should now know who your target market is. Next, you need to brainstorm where to find them. From Facebook to Eventbrite, LinkedIn to Meetup, there are so many avenues to find like-minded people and specialty groups that rally around a particular cause. Now that you know who they are, you need to go where they are and begin to provide value to them for FREE.

You are not looking for them to buy your book, support your cause or join your tribe. You are looking to give, give, give, and deposit, deposit, deposit, so that you can build relationships and trust. Then at the appropriate time, you can make a withdrawal that won’t break the bank because you have put in the necessary investments.

I have found that way too many people are waiting for someone to book them as the next headliner for a major conference. Chances are, this time next year, they will be doing the same thing — waiting, while failing to realize there are so many other opportunities to speak, minister, and make valuable deposits all around. From local shelters to church youth groups, neighborhood clubs and community events, the opportunities are everywhere. They may not be paid opportunities, but they are valuable opportunities.

As an up-and-coming bestselling author and someone who is a part of my tribe, I know you have a valuable message to share with the world. Be patient with yourself and grateful for any opportunity that comes your way. You’ll reach your goals. You may not reach them how you want to reach them or maybe even when you want to reach them but if you do the work and purpose not to give up you will reach them.

Listen, I need you to stay tuned to your email and these blog posts because I’ve got weeks — maybe even months of valuable information that I want to get to you.

Excited about your publishing success,
~Pastor Kish
Your Book Publishing Coach & Self-Publishing Servicer

3 Responses

  1. Awesome article!!!! Thisnis GREAT information, and i am glad I am subscribed to the email list! Thank you Pastor Kish for sharing!

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