Everyone likes new things. Whether it’s a car, a phone or a new pair of shoes, we want new things because they serve a purpose. They may satisfy a want for something that we have never owned, but always wanted. Or perhaps we need to replace something that has reached its life expectancy. Maybe we are trying to fill a void by creating something new that has never existed before. Everybody likes new things…even God.
When God wanted a family, He created Adam and instructed him to populate the earth. God made Adam in His image and His likeness, and gave him rulership over all the earth and everything in it. Adam was given a command to not eat of one tree…just one…but he did it anyway…and we have been paying the price for it ever since. How many of us have made a decision that came with a price that we hadn’t planned on paying?
Although God’s original want for a family never changed, Adam’s sin made it impossible for any man to have a relationship with Him. Adam’s crime could not be dismissed. The penalty of sin had to be paid by all of us. But God’s love for us provided a way of escape from the penalty without having to compromise His judgement of sin…something He cannot, because of His very nature, do. He needed a new man that hadn’t reached his life expectancy through sin.
Adam was given rulership over the earth, therefore God couldn’t just implement His plan because He had submitted himself to the transfer of His authority to Adam. There was only one way for Him to gain access into the affairs of men, and that was through their permission (the importance of prayer) and cooperation. Jesus Christ was (and still is) God’s answer to man’s problem of sin. But, Jesus Christ, being God, had to come to earth as a man. God needed to find people who would cooperate with Him, allowing Jesus to have access through natural means so that He could pay the penalty for us all. Thank God for people like Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David and Mary.
When we believe in our heart and confess with our mouth the Lordship of Jesus Christ, we are immediately changed on the inside. Our spirit is “re-created” or “born-again.” Some Bible translations call it being “Born from Above.” We become new creatures in Christ. One Bible scholar says the literal translation for “new creatures” is “a new species of being that never existed before.” This is how God filled a void. The Good News that we have the privilege of sharing with others is that as a new creature in Christ, we have been freed from sin and death, guilt & shame, condemnation and judgment, fear and discouragement, lack and poverty, etc. They no longer have power over us. When we accept Christ, we are given “Newness of Life”. We get to live victoriously in this life and eternally with God in the next. So, the next time you get a new thing, just remember:
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If you got it because you have never had it before…remember that God wanted you to be part of His family…a family that you have never had before…and you never knew how much you needed.
If you got it because the old one had reached its life expectancy and needed replacing…remember that we are all sinners because of Adam’s disobedience and will eventually reach our “life expectancy…” and there is nothing that we can do on our own to fix this. We need a savior.
If you got it because it never existed before…remember Jesus paid the price, and anyone can become a “new species of being that has never existed before,” able to live an amazing life in Christ!
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;
old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
2 Corinthians 5:17 (NKJV)
Denise Carlie is a Native Chicagoan and graduate of Living Word Christian Center School of Ministry and Robert Morris College with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. She has been married for thirty-eight years and has two children and four grandchildren. Denise is a Seer, Intercessor, and Teacher with a ministerial license through the Faith Ministries Alliance. It is her desire to be remembered as “A woman after God’s own Heart.”
Denise Carlie
I was extremely blessed by reading this, Denise. I’m so glad that you are apart of this team of writers.
I just want to say, I believe her being a part of this team is a God send! She truly blessed me with truth and this is what we are in need of now! Thank you.
I agree Bernadine
Thank you Bernadine. Pastor Kisia has already given us our next assignment. Stay tuned!
I would like to say, I believe minister Carlie has been sent by God to you. She blessed me tonight and caused me to remember why I said yes! Thank you!
Wow!That’s awesome!
Thank you for blessing us with this amazing word. May God continue to bless you.
Thank you
Nice post!
Thanks Carmen!
So am I. Thanks Pastor Kisia!
Great article Denise!
Thanks Sis!
This has blessed me and many others, Awesome word. We all need to be reminded and this also for those who have never heard!! Thanks sis… Love you!!
Thank you for sharing this Denise. I was blessed by your words this morning. May God continue to use you powerfully!
Thanks so much Tenia. Stay tuned…more to come!
Thanks Sis. You are such an encourager!
Great word!! I look forward to reading more of her messages
Thanks Art!
Beautiful read Denise! A new thing!! Thats what I am!!!! Thank you!