What does it mean to “Make us one?” One example starts with the believer being one with the Father. Deuteronomy 7:9 (NASB) declares our covenant: “Know therefore that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps His covenant and His loving kindness to a thousandth generation with those who love His commandments.” Once we make the decree to follow the Lord, we become His creation to rule upon the earth with His power.
Another example is the institution of marriage between Adam and Eve. Genesis 2:18 (NIV) says, “The Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.’” Just as Eve was Adam’s helper, we are Jesus’ helper, acting as His hands and feet and drawing others into the Kingdom of God. Adam and Eve had a connection between themselves and the Lord. When compared, it is in the same way we are to be in fellowship with God. Adam and Eve had the perfect relationship with God before being deceived and distracted by the serpent, which led to a blind focus and view of life. How did this happen? Why did they choose to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil when they were warned not to? One thought is that the vision of Adam and Eve shifted from God to themselves which opened the door to sin. Why is it important to put God first in everything? Because it reveres God as the ultimate source and provides no room for the enemy to gain a foothold. It is difficult to be one with others if we are not one with God first!
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So how do we become one in a world filled with despair, violence, inequality, and disunity? This can only be accomplished by shifting our own desires, fears, and concerns back onto the Lord, even in a world that tells us to respond differently. Prayer is the key that shifts the atmosphere and causes change, giving issues such as social injustice and pandemics hope in the midst of darkness. We are reminded in 2 Chronicles 4:17 (KJV) of what God has called the church to do in times of worldly crisis: “If my people, which are called by name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear.” Although the voice of believers appears to have faded in today’s society, Jesus is still the greatest voice, and He uses His people as His messengers to bring about the needed change in the world. We all make a difference if we do our part, no matter how small or big the assignment is from the Lord.
God has called us to stand up against injustice and violence, and stand up for the feeble, those who are discouraged, and the list goes on…but more than anything, He has called us to share His love and Word across the world. It is not up to the world to create change, but God has equipped the Body of Christ with the weapons of His Word and prayer to pull down the darkness. Some may play a role as intercessors, others as Christian civil activists but it can only be done when the church reacts with righteous indignation in the spiritual realm to possess what will manifest in the natural realm upon the earth as one. Romans 8:22 (KJV) decrees: “For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now!”
The earth awaits “The Great Awakening,” where the prayers of the righteous groan across the nations and revival breaks out!
Sonya Johnson
Sonya Johnson is a fifth-year Jobs for America’s Graduates’ Specialist/Instructor at Calumet New Tech High School in Gary, Indiana. Her primary focus is preparing students for the workforce and post-secondary education, and linking them with the armed forces for military referrals. She has been blessed to obtain a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from Indiana University-Purdue University of Indianapolis, a Technical Certificate as a Licensed Practical Nurse from Ivy Technical Community College, and a Master of Arts in Discipleship Ministries from Liberty University. Sonya is presently writing a devotional and memoir and looks forward to completing it soon.
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This is such a rich blog post. And this right here:
“So how do we become one in a world filled with despair, violence, inequality, and disunity? This can only be accomplished by shifting our own desires, fears, and concerns back onto the Lord, even in a world that tells us to respond differently.”
Amazing! If we would all just get this. Thank you, Sonya!
Powerful message! I love this…
This is a powerful message to read and grow for those who lacks the wisdom of God. Amen
Fantastic blog! Keep allowing God to use you!!!
“If my people, which are called by name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear.”
One of my favorite verses, and so true of our world today! Thank you for your words that point us to the Father as the only way to heal our land and our hearts. Praying for Jesus to come quickly and make everything new!
This is a word straight from God in a time like this. God desires to be our comforter. God said in his word He would send us a comforter in times of despair. Sonya reminds us that that comforter is real and just waiting for all of us to desire to let him in,because only he can bring us together and calm all the despair,hatred and confusion we see. But we must first obey the word to call him. “If my people called by my name would humble themselves and seek my face”
Thank you Sonya for this simple but powerful reminder
Beautifully crafted, Sonya. The phrase, “God has equipped the Body of Christ with the weapons of His Word and prayer to pull down the darkness.” gives us faith and hope that with Him and through His word, better days are coming.
“…reveres God as the ultimate source…” All I could do was say, YES. This is such a rich word to continue to daily meditate on.