Surely, He Was the “Son of God,” a King’s Ransom Redeemed his Sight.
Thank you for allowing me another season and time to express what has been on my heart. It’s the first time I have been allowed unlimited space and time to pour out my thoughts, feelings, and love for our Redeemer, who lives inside of me.
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Researching my topics and titles allow me to dig deep into the trenches of my mind. I love the process, the “why and how” a certain task is completed. Even if I am unaware of particular maneuvers used in order to finish an assignment, I’m always intrigued by the mere fact of “getting the job done.”
So here we go. It’s time to dive in deeper. I found another hidden jewel while researching a certain passage of Scripture.
“It was now about noon, and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon, for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. Jesus called out in a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” When he had said this, he breathed his last. The centurion, seeing what had happened, praised God and said, “Surely this was a righteous man.” When all the people who had gathered to witness this saw what took place, they beat their breasts and went away. But all those who knew him, including the women who had followed him from Galilee, stood at a distance, watching these things.” Luke 23:44-49 (NIV)
There is a legend attributed to Nicodemus that says that the soldier who pierced Jesus’ side after the crucifixion was a blind centurion named Longinus. According to the legend, when the blood and water flowed from Jesus’ side and splashed his eyes, he regained his sight and immediately “believed.” As the month of our annual corporate celebration of our risen Savior Jesus approaches, this Scripture passage is packed with what many had chosen to do in the midst of an epic crisis. Yet, the response of our Father to heal this Roman soldier has baffled my modern understanding. What are you doing at the age of thirty, serving in an elite military position as a commander without sight? You rose through the ranks and skillfully executed your assignments.
As I continue to study and type, I must admit, I’m struggling even more so with the response of our Father’s blood to heal him. “You gotta be kidding me.” Even at the point of death, His blood poured out to heal another.
I was prepared with a written outline for this article. I thought to lean on my educational knowledge and structure of intro, body of message, and continuing with a conclusion. Yet, the question, “Who was that man?” captured my attention. The One who dared to defy the authority to the very end of His last breath. There isn’t a logical explanation for an unrequested moment.
Oh, the blood of Jesus…So as the days of another pandemic passes and we are instructed to remain in our homes, choose to worship in the sight of understanding a little bit more of His love. It’s able to heal the captives of today’s society. No matter the mental, physical, or spiritual misalignment, in your time of silence, cry out to Him in a loud voice. Allow the tears of lamentation to flow. Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is still accessible.
Thank you for your time. Until we meet online or face to face. Be blessed.
Lady Nicole Brisard
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Even though this was published a little late, I’m glad it made it. Thanks as always for your intriguing words.
I’m so grateful…
Great article!
Thank you Janice
Awesome!!! Wowww in the mist of it all the King was still healing..
“No matter the mental, physical, or spiritual misalignment, in your time of silence, cry out to Him in a loud voice.”–I love this, Nicole! An uplifting phrase for those who have lost all hope.