Book Publishing & Soul Development

In last week’s blog post, Praying In All Things, I mentioned that I was going to be talking this week about how to handle those giants you are facing in your writing, publishing, and book launching journey. This is the first of three articles in my Claiming the Promise series that I will be sharing with you about how to overcome them so you can step into your Promised Land.

Writing a book is a big challenge. Publishing a book is a big challenge. Launching that book you published is a big challenge. No matter which stage of the process you are in whether writing, or publishing, or launching, it can feel like you’re up against a GIANT!

Don’t Let the Giants Scare You

I promise you that you are well able to write a book. I promise you that you are well able to publish a book. I promise you that you are well able to launch that book and have it be successful. If you are facing opposition and your doubts have been coming up against you for a very long time, it’s about time for you to access the promises made available to you.

There are two keys you are going to need before you can access your promise. Please understand, you need keys to access certain realms and domains. Writing, publishing, and launching your book are going to be no different.

In Numbers 13-14, the Israelites stood on the edge of the Promised Land. There were only two men who came back and who had a mindset that they could access this promise that God had made available for them. Those two men were Joshua and Caleb.

Joshua was from the tribe of Ephraim. Ephraim, who was a son of Joseph, had a blessing upon him. Even his name meant “Plenty in a land of suffering.” In other words, when Joseph had Ephraim, he named him in accordance with what he had gone through. Even though he had suffered in the land of Egypt, he was sold into slavery and taken away from his family, he found plenty in this land of suffering. Joshua was a descendant of that tribe.

The tribe of Ephraim was known as warriors. These were some bad boys, guys. They lived to fight. They were fighters and they were warriors.

Caleb was from the tribe of Judah. Judah was a tribe that was known as the tribe of praise, who led forth in their worship. That tribe represented kingship. We know that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, descended from that tribe. It represented wealth and everything that had to do with honor and substance and courage.

Enter Into the Fight With The Right Spirit

The two keys that we have found that we need in order to access our promise is that we have to have the spirit of a worshipper and the spirit of a warrior. Whenever there is a promise that is available for you or a promise that belongs to you, even though it is available for you and it belongs to you, there is a contending that needs to take place.

In the midst of your struggling and your straining, oppositional situations, there is truly gain in the midst of the pain, but you won’t be able to see it if your mind is not right. You won’t be able to see it if your mind is not in the right perspective, if you have not trained yourself to think a certain way.

This is why, as believers, as people of God, we are encouraged in the Word of God to be transformed in the renewing of our mind so that we can think right. Because if we can think right, we can access the promises that are made available for us, the promises that go beyond us getting into Heaven.

The promises that go beyond us being saved, because God not only wants to save you from Hell but He wants to save you – watch this – from poverty, He wants to save you – watch this – from sickness, He wants to save you from stress and strain and struggle. There was a full salvation package that was made available for you, do you know that? The only way you can receive this full package, and all the benefits that are in this package, is if there’s a renewed mind.

Don’t Waste 40 Years Wandering

The Israelites didn’t believe they could enter the Promised Land, and so they wasted 40 years wandering in the desert because they didn’t trust in the Lord that they could do this. They allowed the giants to scare them. Don’t do that to yourself. If you need help, ask for it. If you need encouragement, seek it. You are standing on the edge of your Promised Land. And you are well able to claim it.

The Toughest Battle Is The One In Your Mind

We have to win the battles that are taking place in the mind. The only way we’re truly going to win the battles that are taking place in the mind – watch this – is if our mind is being renewed in accordance with the Word of God.

And if we ingest and begin to take hold of the promises of God, and believe and trust in the promises of God, and practice the promises of God, this is how we’re going to be able to access that which belongs to us.

The Bible said that Caleb had a different spirit. What I want you to understand, what that literally meant, is that Caleb had a different mindset. He had a different perspective. It was not that he did not see the giants he was facing. He saw the giants and, in his mind, he said, “We’re going to have some giants for dinner tonight.”

He said, “We are well able to possess the land.”

He said, “We are well able to conquer them.”

In Numbers 14 the Bible says that Joshua and Caleb both said, “Hey, check this out. Yes, there are giants in the land, but we’re going to devour them.”

So when you have your mind right, you know that yes, there are going to be giants in the way of you accessing your promise, but because God is with you, you are going to be able to devour them.

Who is ready to have some giants for dinner tonight?

4 Responses

  1. Hallelujah Amen….many has the prophecies been over my life/destiny…that i possess the spirit of a scribe….English literature was my favorite subject…a good writer i am…however a wall that i cant seem to go thru under over or around exist. It has me feeling inadequate and defeated. So far all I’ve been able to express are the titles…HELP ME LORD! Because if you’ve said it…then i should have them giants for dinner!

    1. Go for it Ethel! You can do it. Make sure you check out my Mind Map HERE if you need help with writing. Sorry I’m just now seeing this!

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