Book Publishing & Soul Development

Your entire life is centered on what you believe—and your beliefs determine your actions. I have discovered that many people have what is called “writer’s block” because they are confused about what they believe. They have not settled in their hearts or gotten a clear picture of what they say they want and the ideas or beliefs they are trying to communicate…because they have not processed those ideas or beliefs enough to own them.

For instance, have you ever heard someone speak about something that tapped into an inner revelation or “aha” moment that you too had; and because they were so profound and bold in their delivery, you thought, “I got it”? But then when you tried to articulate the same thing, it just did not come out with the clarity and precision that you wanted. Again, this is simply because you have not taken the time to fully and clearly process that idea or belief which in turn would help you communicate it to others.

Likewise, you may have a lot of inspiration to write on a particular subject…but because you have not taken the time to process it, your articulation of it comes out confusing. You have not become fully comfortable in that idea or belief. This hinders your ability to write and express the information and experiences that you desire to share with others.

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When you take the time to sit still, honestly reflect on your thoughts, and get clear on your beliefs, then you will be able to move forward with clarity and precision.

You have got to clear the clutter in your mind first.

Have you ever cleaned out a room, organized your office, or gotten rid of a bunch of stuff that you didn’t need? Remember the feeling of freedom and clarity you had?

Side note: That is just what happened when I cleaned out two of my bookshelves last week! I had books and binders piled on top of each other and spilling over as a result of over a decade of projects and studies I have been involved in. Talking about clearing the clutter! Boy, did it bring a different atmosphere in my office and more of a sense of clarity for me while working! This is exactly how it is when you take the time to clear your mind of all the confusion.

Perhaps you have heard that writing is cathartic, which comes from the word catharsis. According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, this word means a purification of the emotions that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension.

Clearing the clutter in your mind is parallel to purifying your soul, so that you can decipher what it is you really believe and want to communicate. When you can be clear in what you believe, you can move forward with writing that is precise and profound.

I encourage you today or this weekend to take some time to do a “brain dump” so that you can get clear and focused and adequately process your thoughts, ideas, and beliefs, then write and finish that book.

If you need help with the process, check out my free mind map. It is a tremendous tool that I use all the time to sort things out.

You can clearly tell your story, IF you know what you believe.

What do you really believe?

Blessings in abundance!

Stay safe and sound,

Coach Kish

Licensed & Ordained Minister/Book Publishing Servicer/
Certified Life & Leadership Coach/
Bonafide Doer 

Dr. Kisia Coleman serves as the Lead Pastor of Kingdom Church Int’l., a non-denominational church in which she and her husband founded. Her job has encompassed many roles in leadership and the organization’s development. She is a Certified Life and Leadership Coach and the Founder of KishKnows, Inc., which has several divisions including consulting, coaching, and book publishing services. Dr. Kisia is also the author of several books and stage productions.  In both October 2012 and October 2013, she was the proud recipient of the Literary Award given by A.I.M. (Association of Independent Ministries) out of Houston, Texas.

Dr. Kisia and her husband live in a suburb of Chicago and are the blessed parents of five children: two boys and three girls, which include two orphaned nieces and a nephew that they have raised since the untimely deaths of the children’s parents.




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3 Responses

  1. Thanks a lot for the tips and wisdom! I am empowered to make ways to clear my mind, all while purifying my soul thru God’s Word.

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