Book Publishing & Soul Development

I just wanted to stop by this week and say, “I get it!” I have learned my lesson.

“What’s that?” you ask. Well, I have learned that people write for 2 reasons:

  1. For themselves
  2. For others

Did you know that? If not, here is the reason it is important to understand this if you are going to be great at writing…

When you are writing, you are either helping yourself, helping someone else, or both. The latter, of course, is the best. With this in mind, if you are going to be a great writer and write a great book, you should embrace this understanding early on—along with some other key questions you should know the answers to. Let’s start by looking at writing for yourself.

Writing for Yourself

Writing can be therapeutic—relieving, relaxing, and refreshing to you. The same may be true for your readers, but this is not always the case. When writing, it is important to be able to distinguish this; although your writing might be a blessing to you, you could be very disconnected from your readers.

This is why writing is truly an art—when done well, it requires creative thinking. In my opinion, this seems to be contrary to what many writers—especially novices—think. I say this because I’ve seen lots of manuscripts with what I call “dump writing.” In order for your writing to be “book worthy,” you must think of it as a form of art. It is not a dump of your thoughts on paper.

~ Great writing is truly an immersion of your thoughts that are birthed out of the unseen realm into the physical realm into a format where others can benefit from it. ~

This leads me to my next point…

Writing for Others (Publishing a Book)

If you plan to write for others, it will require the skill of creative thinking, which is beyond the realm of “dumping.” In fact, I believe CREATING is in the highest realm of productivity in the universe. There is no higher activity one can engage in on the earth than creativity.

We see this in the very beginning. The Genesis account not only exemplifies the art of creativity, but it outlines the power we have to manifest that which has been collaborated in the unseen “thought” realm into the seen “tangible” realm.

So, if you want your writing to be for others, you must be about the business of thinking and asking some important questions. Here are the main questions you must ask yourself if you want your readers to be pleased with your writing.

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  • Am I connecting with my audience?

  • Is what I’m writing about making sense to them or just me?

  • Does what I am writing about connect with me? (This should be a given, but the reality is, there are those who do “hyper dump writing” and are neither connecting with others nor themselves. They are just letting it all out!)

  • How am I connecting with my readers? You must be able to examine your manuscript, then systematically and honestly identify the areas where you are connecting with your readers. This can be seen in the stories you are describing, the lessons you are telling, the advice you are giving, the emotions you are creating, and so forth…

If you cannot identify how you are connecting with your readers, you may not be adding as much value to their experience as you thought. It requires a responsible, mature writer to take the time to ponder, then answer the above questions.

You can determine that you understand something clearly if you can communicate it clearly in writing. Furthermore, when you are thinking better, your writing should be better. The opposite is true as well. It is important to:

Live your message,

know your message,

hone your message,

know your reader,

write with your reader in mind, and

allow the right people to help you express your message to your reader.

My final thought as it relates to writing for others is that you absolutely must ask and understand these two questions if it is your intention to publish a great book:

  1. What do I want my reader to know as a result of reading my book?
  2. What do I want my reader to do as a result of reading my book?

Writing for Yourself and Others

I believe this is the best type of writing, because this is the writing that is emanating from your passions, the core of who you are and what you believe. When you can write from this place and connect with an audience of like-minded enthusiasts, you’ve found your niche, your groove, your tribe. Your writing well will never run dry and attracting those who thirst for a drink from your literary cup will never cease.

Are you asking yourself the Essential Writing & Publishing Questions? If you are not, my dear friend, aspiring author, great writer, and bestseller, you are not writing on your best level. I encourage you to step it up. Let’s go higher. Let’s create awesome literary works that will bless the world.

As always, this is not a monologue. It is a dialogue. I need to hear from you. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section and if you are having trouble leaving a comment, let us know and we’ll make sure you can get through.

Happy Publishing,

~ Pastor Kish

Your Book Publishing Coach & Self-Publishing Servicer

P.S. Guess what? I’ve got a new Publishing Membership site coming out real soon. I wasn’t going to say anything now, but I just couldn’t wait. Stay tuned to your inbox over the next few weeks because I know you will want to join!

4 Responses

  1. Thank you Pastor Kish, this is awesome info. Writing is my passion, and I just can not wait to let out my new and first book called “COURAGE” Very powerful, and truly inspired by the spirit of the living God. Thanks again, can’t wait to join your writers membership group. God blessed

    1. You are welcome Life Kennedy. And the title of your book sounds great! I can’t wait to hear more about it.

  2. Hello Pastor Kish! Thank you for educating me on the essentials of writing. I totally get it! I am currently writing a book call “Keeping Hope Alive Through God’s Healing Power.” I am half way through. Your suggestions are great! Love and appreciate you and all that you do.

    1. Well Gloria, I am so glad I can help you during the writing process. It looks like you have a great book in the making. Blessings!

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