The good news of the gospel is more than the text on a page or font on a screen. It is the manifestation of the living, breathing truth encounters and experiences through your day-to-day life. I’ve listened to so many impactful, jaw-dropping, and encouraging testimonies about His goodness drawing believers to repentance. As I boldly declared, “Out with the old and in with the new,” I would be reminded of the many ways and avenues my own life has been restored through the resurrection power of His written word.
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While envisioning 2020, I’ll be the first to testify about sharing my stories, not as fictional tales but as I continually live it having the most power and purpose of carving out the Christ in me. When I didn’t understand why I could no longer conform to the wisdom of this world, it’s held me steady in the midst of deep moments of indecision. As days transitioned into years, I stood a little more firm with my head held high, knowing my redeemer not only lived to set me free but allowed an abundance of resources to flow through my situations.
I have seen the after effects from Haiti’s earthquake in 2010. Wrapping my mind around such a massive amount of devastation occurring in a short amount of time, I have to admit it was beyond my wildest imagination. If you’ve ever been through a process where things were demolished and another path had to be forged, continue to trust in the Lord with all of your might. Stop leaning on your own understanding. In all of your ways, acknowledge Him. Your path has already been directed. (Proverbs 3:5 Paraphrased)
Never lose sight of His ability to qualify you for the Nehemiah generation. You can’t abandon or leave your life to wishful thinking. Your everyday circumstances are connected to someone else. The more you endeavor to realize the power and purpose of biblical truths lived out through your life, there will be signs and wonders that follow. Realize His truth is incorporated into your being as you partake of the Word daily.
Lady Nicole Brisard
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Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Nicole. I remember when the Haiti earthquake took place. The devastation was unimaginable. The wisdom shared here can definitely help when we need to rebuild our lives.
Sister Nicole…Powerful!
Thank you Nicole for this lovely reminder. Indeed, God’s Word constantly inspires and empowers us to realize our purpose in life.
The absolute truth! Thank you for the reminder of the resurrecting power of God’s unchangeable Word.
Thank you, Nicole! God’s Word truly strengthens us as we fulfill His purpose for us.