Book Publishing & Soul Development

There is a quote I often hear people voicing, “If you build it, they will come.”

This quote is from the movie Field of Dreams starring Kevin Costner. I won’t bore you with the details of the movie. However, the essence of this famous quote centers around the belief that all you have to do is create your dream, your idea, invention, book, business, ministry and subsequently, your patrons will come.

The problem I have with this, especially as it pertains to giving birth to your unique dream, is that it is only partially true. Your dream is like your baby, a beautiful gift that you have been entrusted with to bring forth into the world and ensure it has life.

As the originator of your baby (your dream) you are still responsible for making sure it is properly taken care of through on-going support, maintenance and planning. You must plan to house it, feed it, clothe it and care for it on a consistent basis.

Oftentimes, we give birth to beautiful babies (dreams) but we fail to make sure we are taking care of our babies (dreams) with the on-going support mentioned previously.

We live in a noisy world and everything is vying for everyone’s attention all the time. Therefore, you must know how to zero in on the people you’ve been called to serve (your target market) with your baby (dream) and ensure that you are always delivering (marketing and promoting) this beautiful gift to them.

Now granted, there is a way to market and promote and a way not to market and promote. We don’t have time to get into that today but think about the point I’m trying to get you to see from these biblical examples…

The bible tells us that Jesus was sent to preach to the lost sheep of Israel. So, He would travel from city to city preaching and ministering to the Jews. Oftentimes, His disciples would go before Him to “prepare” the way. Prior to this, even John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus to be received.

Just like anything else we are giving birth to, there must be continued support and maintenance.

1. Have you given up on your baby (dream) because you thought that after you gave birth “they” would just come but that never happened?

2. Have you lost momentum and the excitement that you once had for your baby (dream) because things didn’t turn out exactly the way you thought?

3. Have you totally given up on your baby (dream) because it no longer looks like the beautiful baby (dream) you first gave birth to?

If you answered, “Yes” to any of these questions, take courage. Now, is the time to regroup and reset your mind to revive your baby (dream), give it the proper nourishment it needs to grow, and present it to all those you have discovered that want to be blessed by it.

I really hope this encouraged you today!

Blessings in Abundance,
~Pastor Kish

build it they will come

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