Years ago, during my sophomore year in college, I began having difficulty with seeing words clearly in books for my classes. I started having headaches and squinting when I tried to read. It was apparent that my vision was not improving, so I decided to make a trip to the optometrist on campus. I walked in under the assumption that surely, there could not be anything wrong with my vision at age nineteen. I did not understand how my vision had drastically changed from clear to fuzzy.
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I still remember the optometrist saying, “Sonya, you need to wear glasses when you read, because you are straining your eyes, and that is why you are having headaches.” I looked puzzled, but then with my inquisitive mind, I asked, “Why can’t I wear reading glasses from a local drugstore?” He explained that a prescription is tailored for your eyes and fits your eyesight. Immediately, I thought about how people have clothes tailored to fit them. When we think of something tailored, we know that it has been designed, created, and adjusted to fit that particular individual. No matter how many other people may try on those clothes, they will not fit the same, because they were created specifically with the person that they were made for in mind.
Isn’t it the same way when God has designed a specific vision for our lives, even if there are turns, crooks, and valleys that come along the way? He wants us to see clearly the path that He has set before us. We all have a purpose, path, and vision that the Lord has given us. I love what Psalm 119:105 (NIV) says, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” He is the God that leads us by His Word into the place that He has called us to. Within that path and in His word, there is clarity, discernment, and guidance. His Word is the foundation in leading us in our call and mission that He has entrusted to each of us. God does not want anything to skew our spiritual sight from what He wants to speak to us, through us, and for others on behalf of His Kingdom.
Think about a GPS system. What does a GPS help us with? It provides directions to our destination. Similarly, our spiritual GPS navigates our lives through His Word as our roadmap on how to live and be an ambassador for Christ. It all starts with the Word of God. It is through our spiritual GPS that we become instruments of His handiwork as we function in the purpose that He has given each of us for the Kingdom of God.
We must discern distractions that would lead us away from the direction of the Lord. This has happened to me, and it may have happened to you as well. Distractions cause us to get sidetracked and lose sight of our vision and path. We all go the wrong way at times, and just like a GPS will bring us back to the intended path, our spiritual GPS will reset our direction and put us back onto the spiritual road with the Lord. In other words, we have to reset our direction.
Even if God has spoken to your heart and told you to go down aisle A, but instead you went down B, He is calling you to re-route and get back on aisle A. Do you agree that our paths produce more clarity when we are wearing our spiritual lens? It is there that we see what the Lord sees, believe the way He believes, and live the way He lives! It is never too late to reset your spiritual vision!
Sonya Johnson
Sonya Johnson is a fifth-year Jobs for America’s Graduates’ Specialist/Instructor at Calumet New Tech High School in Gary, Indiana. Her primary focus is preparing students for the workforce and post-secondary education, and linking them with the armed forces for military referrals. She has been blessed to obtain a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from Indiana University-Purdue University of Indianapolis, a Technical Certificate as a Licensed Practical Nurse from Ivy Technical Community College, and a Master of Arts in Discipleship Ministries from Liberty University. Sonya is presently writing a devotional and memoir and looks forward to completing it soon.
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Thank you Sonya for your words of encouragement. I learned that distractions will always come to detour us from our purpose in life. Thank you for reminding us to reroute and get back on the right path to fulfill our vision.
Thanks so much for this empowering post, Sonya. Our Heavenly Father’s love for us is truly incredible and He is always there for us to guide us back onto the spiritual road with the Him whenever we’ve gone astray.
Oh yes Sonya! I agree that distractions come to take us off the path that God wants us to take! Sometimes distractions look like blessings…Discernment is key!
Thank you for this lovely post!