There is something in each of us that desires to know what we have been placed on this earth to do. Purpose is so important that a great man of God once said that when the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable. We can look at Jesus’ life and see that He had purpose and it wasn’t one dimensional. It was much more than John 3:16. His purpose for coming to earth was tied to God’s eternal purpose found in Matthew 6:10 which could only be fulfilled through corporate cooperation and participation.
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Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
For the believer, purpose is also not one dimensional. We have been mandated to replicate God’s kingdom on earth. We have been given responsibility to make earth like heaven. This is a kingdom concept that we all must grasp. We don’t go to church…We are the church! We are the church of the Lord Jesus Christ! The Greek word for church is ekklesia (ek-klay-see’-ah) which is defined as an assembly of called-out ones; elected ones; “people who are part of a governing body.” We have been called out of darkness into the Kingdom of God’s dear Son. We have been given dominion over the earth and authority to legislate, govern, and take territory for God’s Kingdom. The church is the most powerful institution on earth. We are the only entity that can deal with Satan and solve the world’s problems.
God’s kingdom and its king, Jesus, resides on the inside of you. Wherever you go, His Kingdom goes too. You have all of heaven backing you! As part of Christ’s Body, you are a king seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. You can release God’s Word, and His power can change any situation! Your purpose is bigger than you know. You could have been born at any other time, but you have been “called out” into 2020 for purpose! Now go out there and dominate! Make your part of earth like heaven!
Denise Carlie
Denise Carlie is a Native Chicagoan and a graduate of Living Word Christian Center School of Ministry and Robert Morris College with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. She has been married for thirty-eight years and has two children and four grandchildren. Denise is a Seer, Intercessor, and Teacher with a ministerial license through the Faith Ministries Alliance. It is her desire to be remembered as “A woman after God’s own Heart.”
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This was short but so powerful and meaningful in many ways. Even your close, “You could have been born at any other time, but you have been “called out” into 2020 for purpose,” spoke volumes to me.
Thank you, Denise!
Thanks Pastor Kisia
Hello Denise,
This was a great reminder to us all that our purpose is bigger thank we can even imagine.
Hi Brenda, it really is because our God is big and therefore He does nothing small!
Thank you for such a beautiful reminder that we have not been placed here by accident…that it is all part of a grander plan. Sometimes, when life is just plain hard, we need the reminder that nothing takes God “by surprise.” And that He is working all things for our good and His purpose!
Hi Cynthia,
We can have confidence that God will never mismanage our life!
This is soooo on point! a powerful confirmation as what The Lord is calling me to in this season! Praise God for your willingness to declare this on-time word Denise.
Thanks Sister Natalie!
Such an uplifting article, Denise! The words, “You have all of heaven backing you!” reminds me of God’s immense love for us.
We can trust God. He will never mismanage our life.
Thanks IJ, He really does love us. More than we can comprehend
Thank you, Denise, for pointing us to the TRUTH! The words, “God’s kingdom and its king, Jesus, resides on the inside of you.” is a powerful reminder of who I am even as I pursue my purpose. God bless you!
Blessings to you Nancy