Book Publishing & Soul Development

Becoming a successful author is not just something that happens on the day of your book launch. The time and effort that you put into planning comes months and sometimes even years prior. There are several key components that you need to have set in place to ensure the success of your book. I am highlighting some today.

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One of the best moves I have made over the last couple of years has been building my lists. I used to be one of those “Christmas Card People”. You know, the people during Christmas that send out way more cards than they receive back. As I noticed how important my online presence was among my family and friends, I quickly realized that utilizing the Internet would be the best tool to keep in touch with them on a regular basis. This discovery has become an invaluable tool for me.

I cannot emphasize enough how extremely important it is that you focus on building your email and cell phone lists (for texting). These are some of the most beneficial, free lead generation tools that exist. Regular mail is not as effective these days and it costs more. Your Facebook “Likes,” no matter how massive they are, don’t hold a lot of weight unless they equate to your followers opting into your lists.

Be sure to tap into all of your connections and networks and begin to build your lists by communicating with them often.

Two important action steps you can take now:

1. Sign up for a free email service like MailChimp so that you can have your connections opt-in and subscribe to your emails.

2. A good strategy when launching is to have your attendees RSVP through a site like This way you can download the emails that have been submitted and keep in contact with people on your own terms.

Building your community online is a great opportunity for you to rekindle relationships with old friends and distant family members.

How can engaging online help your book launch? I’m glad you asked…

1. You can use your book launch as an approach to add value to people’s lives before the book is published. You can share valuable nuggets from the book or your area of expertise through email, website and social media posts and text messages.

2. You can build anticipation and excitement among those who have subscribed to your lists and that follow you. This will help you create momentum. Just like a plane must build momentum for its take-off, you must build momentum for your book launch.

3. You can save time, money, and energy as you “mass service” the needs of your tribe.

4. You can harness the power of word of mouth and networking via the online sharing mediums that exist.

Building your lists and engaging them online and via mobile has so many advantages to it that you don’t want to miss out on the value that it can provide for your book publishing project. So, don’t delay, start today with some of the strategies provided here.

I hope this has been a tremendous help to you.

Blessings in Abundance,
~ Pastor Kish

7 Responses

    1. Thank you Pastor Kisia for This Information I will start working on that List, The Lord put building a list on my heart a week or so ago and I did not get on it. I Minister Post’s Every day thru the Message service on line Email & This Word is such a needed blessing. I Thank God for answering my prayers & Knowing what I need before I ask, I Thank God for you blessing me with All your BIG NUGGETS! I Love You and Honor you. To Life with abundance of blessings in Jesus name.

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