Book Publishing & Soul Development

Authors who write books for the wrong reasons end up broke. And when I say wrong, it doesn’t necessarily mean evil intent. What do I mean? If you think publishing a book is going to make you rich, you are wrong. If you think publishing a book is going to make you famous, you are wrong. Let’s put some things into perspective here.

The word “author” comes from the word “authority”. When you write a book, the expectation is that you are the authority regarding the subject of that book. (By the way, your subject is your thesis and the title of your book.)

People desire, long for, look for and need experts in their lives. Experts are the people who have above average experience, knowledge, insight, and/or revelation in a particular area. We go to an expert to help us fix what we can’t fix, solve what we can’t solve, and answer what we can’t answer.

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Your book is not your money maker, it’s your door opener.

When published correctly and marketed right, it will be the key that opens the doors that access the platforms, the clients, the customers, investors, audience and the tribe that want what you have to offer.

Your book says, “Hey, I’m the one!”

You see, there are many others out there who do what you do and may to a degree even know what you know. But your book says,“Here’s the expert in this area!”

Your book says, “This is the person that QUALIFIES to help you in this area. Here’s the one that will give you the results you are looking for.”

So, when you write your book, don’t just write it because you “feel GOD” told you to write it. No, THAT IS NOT ENOUGH. If GOD told you, you need to understand why. GOD does everything with a purpose in mind—to bless others and to bless you!

Know the reason why you are writing the book. And make sure it is the right reason. It will give you vision, clarity, a goal, and a plan. Without a vision, you won’t succeed. Without a plan, you won’t succeed.

Here are the 2 main reasons why you should write your book. Start with these and allow GOD to help you discover the specifics:

1. You are writing your book to benefit others. You are writing your book so others can get the help they are looking for as they experience the expert knowledge found in your book.

We don’t write books to make money. We write books to solve problems, give answers, and relieve pain. Those are the benefits our readers get. It’s your job to discover the specific benefits your book offers to your ideal readers that sets you apart from others.

– What problem will it solve?
– What answer will it give?
– What pain will it relieve?

2. You are writing your book to benefit you. As a result of the benefit we have provided to our readers through our books, we are compensated by the doors of opportunity that are opened for us which includes: the platforms that are made available, the coaching clients that come aboard, the influence that we gain, and the great connections we make. These doors of opportunity are the income producers, the money makers.

– What doors of opportunity do you need to open for you?
– What platforms do you want to be made available?
– What new connections do you need to gain?

Your book is the wind you need to blow open the doors of opportunity you want to enter. Therefore, it is important that your intention is clear and correct. Your main focus is not to make money, but money always follows a good vision and a defined purpose.

I’d love to get your feedback about this. What were your answers to the questions above? Did you learn anything new? Has your perspective changed? Did this help you?

Blessings in Abundance,
~ Pastor Kish

2 Responses

  1. Yes I know myself that writing a book does not make you rich. But if you write a GOOD BOOK it can make things happen such as making a movie out of your book, putting it on different shows. Now that would be a blessing..

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