Book Publishing & Soul Development

I have some thoughts circulating in my head, but I can’t quite put them ALL down on paper yet…I don’t want to offend anyone. (At least not in this blog post.) 😊

Perhaps in a few weeks, I will have the wisdom to properly communicate them. For now, I’ll just make the following statement and a few other brief comments to back it up:

Some aspiring authors will NEVER be successful.

Sounds sort of negative, right? Well, you can’t say I didn’t warn you. But it’s a FACT! F-A-C-T! (As she spells it out.) Fact!

So, here are just a few thoughts on this today.

 Writing is a craft. Any craft accomplished with excellence takes time to evolve and be perfected.

 Writing emanates from inspiration. Inspiration is conceived in the spirit realm and filters through our souls. Herein lies the challenge. Our souls have not yet been perfected and anything that filters through them, even “perfect” inspiration, needs to go through the process of development before it is birthed into the world and is ready to provide value to others.

Can you say “process”?

 There is a process one must go through in order to have a successful end and achieve anything great. Most people can’t endure the process and many of those who do try to cheat.

What do I mean by that? I’m glad you asked. When you write a good book, it has to go through many phases of development. You write, and you rewrite. You must remember that if your goal is to be a published author, your writing is not for you; it’s for your potential readers.

 Then there is the editing process where you need to have the maturity to listen to the professional advice and critiques of others. This requires a whole other level of openness and soul development on the part of the author. It’s what many call having “thick skin”.

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Now, about those “cheaters” I mentioned. These are the people who feel as though they can just put their thoughts down on paper, call it a book, upload it to a site like CreateSpace and become an overnight “authentic” Amazon Bestseller.

Okay, sounds too unreal? Then let’s insert that the writer did have their bff who made straight As in English edit it once.

I’m not trying to be sarcastic, demeaning, judgmental, or critical but please understand a couple of things. You cannot cheat the order and process of systems that God has created.

The word author comes from the word authority. An authority is someone who is an expert on a particular subject or at the very least has above average knowledge, skill or insight than most. This means the author needs to make sure they have taken the proper time to develop their thoughts while putting them on paper and then be open to the professional wisdom and guidance of other experts on that subject matter and the publishing industry as well.

 Next, we can’t forget about the marketing and distribution side of things. This is another part of the process that will require time, planning, energy, patience, and maturity if an author wants to be a success. I created a blog before explaining how authors need enough “runway” for their books to take off and soar. In another blog, I talk about how the “If you build it, they will come” mentality just isn’t true. I also give advice on building lists and creating strategies for marketing to the people who want to hear what you have to say. (See links to those 3 blogs below.)

Think about it. Have you ever wondered why even famous people who have traditional publishers backing their book deals have book publishing tours scheduled way in advance? Or what about that movie preview you saw that’s “Coming Soon” to a theater near you… next year sometime?

Things that make you go “Hmmm!”

There is a process involved in ensuring any venture is a success. And yes, I know God can blow on our projects and make them great. I totally get that! But we’ve got to give Him something to work with. This is a partnership deal here. Everything done on the Earth, even miracles, require God having a human being doing their part. This is TRUTH!

Okay, okay, I’m going to have to rest my case right here. At least for now. I indicated at the beginning that I had other thoughts about this but I’m not quite ready to share them. Hopefully, for now, this has given some degree of insight as well as inspiration to embrace the fullness of what it really means to be an author and a good one at that.

I know you are cut out for it. And I know you have a lot of great things to write about and awesome books to publish. Many of you have reached out to me through the years. Some of you have become successful authors as well as clients. So, I know you especially get my point. You’ve gone through the process and understand what it requires.

I’d love to hear your feedback about this. Let me know your thoughts. I love sharing with you. There are those who reply to my emails and reach out to me on a weekly basis and I appreciate you for that. However, if you comment below then everyone can receive value from what you share and even join in the conversation.

Thanks for your time in reading this post even if it may have disrupted a few beliefs here and there. (Inserts big smile.) 😊

Bye for now! Be blessed and see you soon on the other side of a Successfully Published Book!
~ Pastor Kish

Your Book Publishing Coach & Self-Publishing Servicer

You Need More RUNWAY! blog post
Building Lists & Online Engagement blog post
Don’t Give Up on Your Dreams! (Build it they will come.) blog post

6 Responses

  1. Thank You pastor Josh for your truths and encouraging words Amen! I do understand what you are saying I truly needed to read this for my next season to go on any how! God bless you!

  2. Thank you for your input and words of knowledge. It has given me food for thought regarding the realities of the process of writing, editing and publishing. Though I am new to the process, I look forward to the road ahead, critique, correction and all.

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