Satisfaction Guaranteed

What does it mean to be satisfied? Merriam-Webster defines satisfied as: “Pleased or content with what has been experienced or received.” “Paid in full.” “Persuaded by argument or evidence.” While reading these definitions, I begin pondering and questioning my own satisfaction in life. It was at this moment that…
Power for Purpose

Many people strive to possess power. Power in the wrong heart can be dangerous and even deadly. Adolph Hitler is an example of someone who rose to power and misused it as the leader of Germany. Hitler started World War II and fifty million people died. Saul of Tarsus is another example of someone who used his power to harm others and not help them.
Seeing Beyond the Natural

Vision is important, but clear vision is imperative in our natural and spiritual life. When our vision is not clear in the natural, we see things in a blurry way and this affects how those things appear. This also applies to our spiritual sight. If we cannot see clearly in the spirit,