Book Publishing & Soul Development

Hey you. Yes…you!  God said He was going to give you some new things. Now, when you read that, what was the first new thing that you thought about? Was it a new house? A new car? New clothes? Or maybe just new money? If someone had asked me that a few months ago, I probably would have given one or all of those same answers.

One of my favorite Scriptures of all time is Revelations 21:5, which says, “Behold, I make all things new.”  I was always on the lookout for new material things, and I maintained that mindset until a series of unfortunate events helped me to see that I can get all the new material things that I want…but if I don’t get a new mindset, I still have nothing—and I will find myself back in a place of need or lack.

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I know what if feels like to think you’ve finally gotten to a place of breakthrough because you have some new things…and then everything comes crashing back down around you.  The victory was short-lived because my mindset on how I dealt with things was still the same. I became a casualty of my actions and tried to blame everything and everyone else around me, including God.

It is so easy to conform to this world and become a victim in our mindset. It is so easy to sit around and constantly look for a handout and then become frustrated when we don’t get one.  It is so easy to get mad at God. I know. I have been there. God had to remind me of that, time and time again! He has used the Scriptures to try to help me understand how important my mindset is…but I overlooked it because I wanted the short-term, immediate gain. Changing one’s mindset is tough work.  Actually, I will be more candid. Changing one’s mindset is hard work; it generally means going against the grain of almost everything you thought you knew. It is around the clock, intentionally and purposely retraining the thoughts and thought patterns.  However…it is vital. 

It is imperative that we understand that a new mindset gives us access to everything that God has promised. Instead of waiting on a handout, we will start trying to create ways to give a handout.  God is the creator of all things and as His children, we have His DNA. If we truly take on the mind of Christ, then nothing is impossible to us because with Him all things are possible. With a new mindset, we are no longer victims but victors. God said He made us the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, lenders and not borrowers. God gives us witty inventions—it is our responsibility to act on them and bring them into fruition with the help of the Creator.

When God says He makes all things new, He means a new you. New mindset. New thoughts.  New faith.  But most of all, new actions. Remember, faith without work is dead. Everything that we want or need is not going to fly down from Heaven on a spaceship. When we get good and tired of being sick and tired, we start looking for new things to do with our time and energy. We start trying to find another way out. The creation starts lining up with the Creator and together, we do great and mighty things. When God makes all things new…He begins with you.

Ladebra Milton

Ladebra Milton is a graduate of Kennesaw State University with a degree in English. Although she struggled in reading comprehension most of her life, through the grace of God, Ladebra made her weakness one of her greatest strengths. She loves both reading and writing! Ladebra has been married for eight years to her wonderful husband, Carlos Milton, and they have a beautiful three-year-old daughter.


13 Responses

    1. Hello LaDebra I’ve read your post on the mindset. One of my husband Pastor C. Jai teaching I don’t care what subject or topic he may be teaching on any given Sunday he finds his way to that subject yes the mindset. I totally enjoyed reading this I love you daughter. Keep up the good work. Love always Pastor Rose

  1. I absolutely agree, Ladebra. If we really want “the new” it is going to start with a new us. My favorite thing to preach about is transformation.

    1. Thank you! I’m not a preacher but God often deals with me on making sure that my inside matches what I’m professing on the outside. Thank you so much for the opportunity!

  2. This was well said! Your mental stability mean so much to God. He wants us to be ready for our next level. With each level we get to we will always need a new way of thinking, so we can move to that next level because with each level requires a new faith and a new mind! Thank you so much i needed this!

    1. Amen! Thank you! I’m so happy that this blessed you as much as it blessed me. Our God is faithful to renew our mind daily.

  3. So I always say to my children and some close associates, perspective is everything. The way you think about and rationalize and even internalize things mean so much. Putting on the helmet of salvation is essential, and being renewed in our minds as well but we must 1st submit ourselves. This was an awesomely inspiring read. I praise God for the insight.

  4. LaDebra this was awesome! I like how you mentioned new thoughts and a new mindset. So often we think of material things when wanting God to give us something “new”. Great word!

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