Book Publishing & Soul Development

This is Part 2 of my 5 Part Publishing Mini Series…

I’ve got a question for you: Do you REALLY know WHY Self-publishing WORKS?

It’s really simple:

1. You have the control over YOUR book.

2. As an author, speaker, coach, trainer, marketer and/or influencer of sorts you have the ability to get your message out to your audience in the way you want. Afterall, you are the one that knows them best. Right?

3. You own the book and receive the profits!

4. You produce the books when you want to and in the quantities you desire. Remember all those failed business ventures? (Oops flashback! Maybe I was just thinking about myself.)

The fact is however, when you self-publish you don’t have to worry about any more extra inventory taking up space in your basement and garage.

These are some of the major reasons I self-publish and I’m helping many others do the same. Do yourself a favor and keep your life simple! Stick with self-publishing. My team and I can help you through the process. START SELF-PUBLISHING TODAY!

If you haven’t already, make sure you fill out my Publishing Services Form HERE so we can find out more about how my services can help you publish a quality, attractive book.

As always, stay tuned because Part 3 in the series is coming up and I’m going to give you 6 Reasons Why Traditional Publishing Probably Won’t Work for You.

Let’s do this!

~ Kisia

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